
Library Technology
The Obion County Public Library has 24 computers for public Internet access located between the Reference Desk and The Tennessee Room. The computers are equipped with Microsoft Office software. There are also two computers in the Tennessee Room and six computers in the Children’s Room with Internet access.
The Obion County Public Library offers many different computer courses and a wide range of learning activities to help make our patrons more knowledgeable of computer technology and e-readers. Call the library for information on upcoming courses.
The Obion County Public Library has two copiers and two printers for public use. Prints and copies costs 10 cents per page for black and white and 50 cents per page for color. We also offer faxing at the circulation desk for $1 per page to send and 50 cents per page to receive. Additionally, we can scan documents to an email for free.
Wireless Internet Access (WI-Fi)
Laptop users with a wireless network connection can use the library’s Wi-Fi to browse the Internet. Wireless users are expected to adhere to the Library’s Internet Use Policy, and violations of our policy will result in the loss of library and computer privileges. The library does not monitor the use of the Internet by laptop users. Parents need to be aware that wireless access is free and unrestricted.
Using your computer’s network utilities, look for the wireless network named “Obion County Public Library.”
The “Obion County Public Library” wireless network does not require a password to connect.
Limitations and Disclaimers Regarding Wireless Access
The library’s wireless network is not secure. Information sent from or to your laptop can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software, within three hundred feet.
Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance and no guarantee can be provided that you will be able to make a wireless connection.
The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for laptop configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the library’s network.
There is a (240) minute time limit on the workstations per day.
There are a maximum of (2) two hours sessions per day.
If a session is ended before the allotted time is used, that time is lost.
(120) minutes is required between new sessions.
Patrons must use a valid library card issued to the computer user's name before access to computer work stations can be granted. Patron must be in good standing with less than $5.00 in fines.
The library reserves the right to reclaim workstations for instruction or for other purposes.
The library can not guarantee the quality of printing or correct formatting of prints sent to public printers.
Virus Protection software is loaded on every computer in the library. The library is not responsible for damage done to user’s information, media or devices.
Library staff is available at the circulation desk, but provides limited assistance with computer instruction. The staff reserves the right to limited technical support.
Individuals requiring more training are encouraged to sign-up for the library's hosted computer classes.
An attempt to damage or alter library equipment or software is a violation of library policy.
In accordance with the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) (Pub.l. 106-554) all public PC’s are equipped with filtering software. The software is set to screen out sites which may reasonably be constructed obscene, as that term is defined in section 2256 of title 18.
Problems with public PC’s must be reported immediately to library staff. Patrons must remain at assigned computer unless moved by library staff.
Except for personal headphones and storage devices, only hardware owned and installed by Obion County Public Library may be used at PC’s
Patrons are allowed to access their email through web based email accounts. (i.e. Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, Google, etc.) but not through local means such as with Outlook Express
The library is not responsible for damage or loss of data due to power interruption, PC viruses, hard disk failure, faulty software, or any other cause.
The use of library computer equipment and the entering of personal information or data. (e.g., credit card numbers, home address) are at your own risk.
Running personnel software, programs or executable files on library computers is strictly prohibited, this includes web-based applications and the nature of imposing threats to system functionality and network internet security.
Patrons must accept all U.S. Copyright laws and licensing agreements pertaining to software, files and other resources obtained via the web. Unauthorized copying or copy-protected materials or the sharing of media illegally through P2P or other file sharing is strictly prohibited.
Violating any local, state, or federal law is prohibited.
No more than two persons per computer. Patrons are not allowed to take chairs from nearby computer terminals.
Loud talking and any other disruptive behavior are prohibited. Patrons may not access sites which contain adult material, pornographic material, x-rated material, libeling, slandering others, uploading a worm, virus or other harmful form of vandalism or programming. Participating in hacking activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers or networks is strictly prohibited.
Patrons may have drinks at PC workstations, but they must have a lid.
Cell phone conversations in the computer area and library are prohibited.
Due to the changing nature of computer services, policies are subject to change without notice, at the library’s discretion.
Failure to comply with any of the above guidelines may result in suspension of library privileges.
Library Card Service Policies
All residents of Obion County are eligible for a library card. Children from birth to age 17 must have parental consent and signature . Non-residents and their spouses may obtain a library card if:
They own property in Obion County
They are employed in Obion County
They attend school in Obion County
They have children who attend school in Obion County
Persons who are unable to meet these requirements may obtain a library card with full library benefits for an annual fee of $20.00.
To obtain a card, a person must:
Complete and sign a membership application
Have an Obion County address verified by a driver's license, employer verification, legal document or piece of delivered mail
Lost, stolen, or damaged cards may be replaced for $2.00.
How to check out materials
To check out library materials a person must:
Present their library card or show proper identification. Library accounts can only be looked up once and with proper identification.
No card can be used without the owner present.
Be in good standing with the library - having less than $5.00 in fines.
How long can materials be kept and renewed
Books may be borrowed for a two week period and may be renewed for two additional two week periods unless a reserve has been placed on the book. There is no limit on the number of books a patron may check out, unless privileges have been misused.
Books borrowed on interlibrary loan may be checked out for two weeks beginning the day the book is received by our library. These books cannot be renewed and are only available two at a time.
DVDs may be borrowed for 7 days. These may be renewed 1 time for 1 week. Up to 5 may be in a patron's possession at any given time.
CD/Audio books may be borrowed for two weeks. These may re renewed 1 time for 2 weeks. Patrons may check out no more than 5 at one time.
Paperbacks and periodicals are checked out in the same manner as books.
How to place items on hold
If the item a patron desires is checked out, they may request by phone or at the circulation desk to have a hold placed on the item. The patron will then be called when the item is available. It will be held at the Circulation desk for 4 days after they have been called.
How much are overdue fines
The overdue fine for books is ten cents per day per book, with a maximum fine of $5.00 per book. DVDs and CD/audio books are subject to a $1.00 per day fine with a maximum $5.00 fine per item.
A patron must reimburse the library for any item lost or damaged plus a $5.00 reorder fee. If a damaged item can be repaired, the patron must pay the cost of the repair. There is a $2.00 fee for replacing bar codes and a $4.00 fee for replacing damaged lockable DVD cases.
A text message will be sent when materials are two weeks late and a post card reminder will be mailed when they are four weeks late. When materials are over four week’s late, all library privileges will cease. They will be reinstated when all materials are returned, fines are paid or when the cost of lost items plus the $5.00 reorder fee has been paid.
How to get materials not owned by OCPL
To request a book that is not on the OCPL catalog, a patron may call or request an item at the circulation desk. Items can be borrowed from other libraries, but an author and title are needed for each request. No more than 2 items can be requested for inter-library loan (ILL) at one time. Find more information or make a request.
How to replace a lost or stolen card
To replace a membership card, a $2.00 fee is required. Proof of address will need to be confirmed regardless of whether the patron's address has changed or not.