Display Case
Display Case
The foyer of the library features a display case which is available to individuals or organizations. Check with library staff for availability of exhibit cases, and please read the Display and Exhibit Policy for more information.
As an educational and cultural institution, the Obion County Public Library welcomes exhibits and displays of interest, information, and enlightenment to the community. Displays of handiwork, historical materials, nature study, or any other material deemed of general interest may be exhibited. The director and/or Board of Trustees shall accept or reject material offered for display based on its suitability and availability.
The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection and no liability for possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited. All items placed in the library are there at the owner’s risk.
Areas available to the public for displays and exhibits are the glass exhibit case, the meeting room, and the general bulletin board. A release must be signed by the exhibitor before any artifact can be placed in the library.
The library reserves the right to limit the size, number of items, schedules of any display, and the frequency with which the artist or organization may have a display.
Requests for display will be considered in the order in which they are received.
A statement of sponsorship must be included in all displays.
Displays and exhibits shall not include the price of the objects. The contact information of the responsible party may be included.
All presentation materials used in the display or exhibits must be in excellent condition and presented in a professional manner, i.e. background material, lettering. Handwritten signs are not allowed. The director and/or assistant director must approve all displays/exhibits before they are considered complete.